GRCEssentials Work-based methodology
Intellectual Output 4
Training at workplace
Α comprehensive guide
The GRCEssentials work-based methodology serves as a mentoring plan for SME managers, consultants, and VET providers. As such, it provides these groups with the practical guidelines on how can they can organise work-based training sessions, the requirements of such sessions and what to prepare for the sessions. The ultimate objective of the program is to support companies accelerate the implementation of GRC in a specific business setting, through the guidance, advice and feedback provided in the work-based methodology.
SME managers and consultants can use the GRCEssentials Work-based methodology to effectively pass the knowledge from the GRCEssentials training course to other work-members.
VET providers/trainers can organise GRCEssentials course using the GRCEssentials Work-based methodology for new employees.

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