GRCEssentials Curriculum
Intellectual Output 1
5 learning areas
Adapted to SMEs & micro-enterprises
Get an advantage against your competition! Understand the benefits of the GRC practices and principles application to your organisation, no matter the size!

Corporate Governance, Risk management & Compliance
Corporate Governance & Organizational EffectivenessThis learning area covers the Corporate Governance subject matter and its interconnection with the Organizational Effectiveness. Moreover, you will find out how the application of Corporate Governance practices and principles enables the achievement of strategic objectives and allows an entity to be efficient, effective and resilient.
Project GovernanceThis learning area covers critical elements such as the role and responsibilities of each participant, the requirements of each stakeholder, setting controls etc., the importance of Project Management and how a project is properly governed in order a company to become more efficient.
Data GovernanceThis learning area will help you manage the Data of your company. In the age of Big Data, where information is very important and with the emergence of the General Data Protection Regulation, the Governance of Data has become a priority for organizations of all sizes.
Enterprise Risk ManagementThis learning area includes case studies that will help you understand the concept of Risk Management and apply it to your business environment. Risk Management does not only apply to the management of risks, it also enables your company to better evaluate new business opportunities and investments.
ComplianceThis learning area includes case studies that will help you understand the concept of Compliance, adapted specifically for an SMEs or a micro-enterprise, with the legal and where applicable regulatory framework of your company.
Find out more about the other Intellectual Outputs
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7-9, Adamantiou Korai Street
Theodoulou House
6010, Larnaca
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t: +357 7000 32 32
f: +357 2465 00 90
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The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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7-9, Adamantiou Korai Street
Theodoulou House
6010, Larnaca
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t: +357 7000 32 32
f: +357 2465 00 90
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