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Data Protection and Digital Transformation

In the data-driven digital era, with the numerous interactions between data, big data analytics and the Internet of Things organisations are opening great new opportunities and at the same time, there is also a serious concern around data protection at the national and international levels.

How businesses are going to suitably manage data availability, accessibility, usability, integrity and security and what will be the impacts on their daily business life are mainly the questions that need to be answered.
Nowadays, data protection is a key factor and a substantial challenge for every business, underlined by tough regulations and many legal, financial, reputational and operational consequences in the case of data loss.

Data protection difficulties are escalating as organisations dynamically use more digital services and new IT applications. As a result, they are putting pressure on legacy systems and the desire for more inclusive protection services. Data protection is undergoing a radical change, from traditional recovery methods to the emergence of more autonomous digital solutions.

To overcome data protection barriers, organisations should increase staff awareness with regular training on digital technologies and cybersecurity, conduction of penetration testing that help uncover potential vulnerabilities, using applications and devices that have built-in security, integrating security systems and choosing the right security software.


In the digital transformation age, businesses around the world need to consider the security of the data they process as a whole and have a strategy that ensures that business and personal data is safe.

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Co-funded by
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